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SchmidPreisslerConsultants · Innovative Strategic Advice - Research - Analysis - Market Solutions · Established 1961


November 2024

The new arrangement of people's needs and requirements on the way from a consumer society to a knowledge society


This is one of the five most important topics in our work program for 2025. While politicians, the media and in fact the whole of German society justify the question of why the country is in such a profound crisis with arguments such as ‘green policies’, inflation, a certain refusal to work, the sickness rate, etc., we say that this is not the case: That certainly plays a role, but the cause of the misery lies much deeper.

Behind the often-discussed satisfaction with prosperity, free time, flexible working hours and working from home lies fear and concern as to whether things will continue as they are. The latest political events demonstrate this impressively.

People's common sense is rebelling - unobserved, but with lasting effect. Common sense says ‘no’, things will not go on like this. It warns us not to leave it at fear and worry and to take a new approach to planning and organizing our lives. The strengthening of the long-neglected power of the human brain and the exploding growth of knowledge - learnt, offered and ready for retrieval - are helpful here.

Those of us involved in shaping markets can feel this change most clearly in the reorganization of people's needs and requirements in Germany. People are exchanging the desire to consume out of abundance and wantonness for considered, planned, moderate consumption. Consuming for the sake of consuming is a thing of the past. The considered follows the unconsidered. Class instead of mass. The idea of ‘worth the price’, in the truest sense of the word, follows that of simply offering something cheap. A distinction is made between brand and label, market-screaming advertising is ignored, industrially produced luxury is viewed critically and discount offers are scrutinized for seriousness.

The ‘Wants’ are joined by retirement savings that have been neglected in the past, valuable investments ranging from gold to securities, increased investment in sustainable measures for health and fitness as well as spending on education and culture. The list of ‘Needs’ will in future include items for permanent and not insignificant increases in spending on public services, taxes and rents.

A new marketing mindset is required to shape markets and existing markets. The development of retail brand strategies and their success as well as the loss of market share by labels and brands in the industry that are managed according to traditional marketing thinking are examples of the change.
In the future, people will no longer be seen simply as consumers, but as critical customers who scrutinise marketing and communication for meaning and value and then make decisions. We need to focus on the knowledgeable individual who shapes their life with a clear idea of their needs and wants. Therein lie great opportunities.

The Schmid-Preissler-Brief team, Maximiliana Schürrle (Dipl.-Soz.), Christina Schmid-Preissler (Dipl.-Volksw.), Alexander Schürrle and Franz M. Schmid-Preissler send their regards. If you would like to discuss the reorganization of needs and wants with us, please feel free to contact us at any time. Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Your F. M. Schmid-Preissler




SchmidPreissler International Strategy Consultants GmbH · Ismaninger Straße 140 · D-81675 München · Tel. +49 89 139 29579 Fax: +49 8022 26042 · Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! · Register Amtsgericht München HRB 5285 Geschäftsführer: Franz M. Schmid-Preissler, Philomena Schmid-Preissler · Usta-IDF-Nr. DE 143 178 51317 Für den Inhalt verantwortlich (MStG):   Franz M. Schmid-Preissler - Anschrift siehe oben


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